Thursday, February 14, 2008


The date with Aaron...was.....was.....was.............
♥A W E S O M E♥
It was soooo romantic. We went out for a "indoor picnic". We went to a reserved private resturant down in New York City. We had little hor'devours. Then, cheesesticks, then lasagna, then clam chowder soup and finally sizziling, juicy steak. Of course, after that I went to the bathroom and I used my Scope mouthwash. When I came back, he had to go to te bathroom. When he came back, we sorta madeout and he breath was MINTY FREASH. AHHHH. So I guess both of us this the same thing. lol. Anyway, me and Aaron's baby is doing fine. You know, the baby for Health Class? Yeah. I think we're gonna get an A for our grade at the end of the semester. Well. Gotta go. I have a 8:00 AM appointment with the dentist tomorrow. Later.

CL and The PC


Aly said...

aww. so cute!!!
hope you and Aaron are forever!!!
you and him sound so much better thann you and Cam.


Massie Block said...
