Sunday, February 10, 2008

1st Post.

Um. I'm Claire Lyons. I'm in love with the CUTEST guy on the face of the planet. Aaron!! My love. He is soooo diiferent from Cam Fisher. He is cuter, he is sweeter, he tells me things straight up BUT in a NICE way. Ha. Ahh, I think I'm falling in LOVE! Well, Mass just left on her date with Dempsey. Me, Alicia and Dylan are just here. We are figuring out how her date is gonna be. Probably goood. Right now, I'm in my Ralph Lauren jammieS. Courtesy of Alicia Rivera. Thankss, babe!! lol. Well..I heard there are gonna be some new bee-yotches coming to school Maybe Nikki Dalton. Eh. I dont really care, The camp tramp can have that green/blue eyed freak. I REALLY am over CF. I thought this day would NEVER come, but it came pretty quickly. Maybe that Nikki broad is "trustful". lol. NAWT.
Anyways...Massie gave me a makeover! I look gorgeousss. Not to be conceited or anything. But yeah. I am. My is like superr long now. Yay. Im tan and I got a fab boyfriend!!! What can go wrong?

CL and The PC

(I know CL is fiction. I'm a roleplayer)


Aly said...

sweet makeover!


Lily said...

i love makovers! good luck with life!

Massie Block said...

Hey Clairee.
we're going to the westchester this saturday. me and the PC except Dyl. she's sick.
sooo wanna come?


Claire Lyons=) said...

of course(=


Anonymous said...

Loveee your blog. It's cool how you are a roleplayer =) ♥♥


Claire Lyons=) said...

yeah. well you aren't.
you messed with Aly.
you are messing with US.
